What is Theta Healing?

Theta Healing is a meditation, led by the practitioner. Our brain is in a Theta state from the time you are in utero until approx. the age of 7. Theta Healing is a healing modality used to access the subconscious mind, helping to access any stored energy “trauma”, limiting beliefs or thought patterns.

During the session I set the intention of connecting to your higher self, your ancestors, spirit guides, guardian angels and all the beings who are here helping you in the background. I always ask for permission to shift or bring in any information and upgrades. Although each practitioner has their own style, a typical session will involve an intuitive energy scan and healing.

During your Theta session we can work on a specific area you’d like to work on or see what comes up in your energetic field.  Always asking permission before we change/shift any beliefs and thought patterns.

Most people will experience change within one session. Bookings take place only when you feel it is needed.

What can Theta Healing help with?

People use Theta Healing to heal from trauma and change a number of deep rooted emotions and issues. It can help with the following areas:

Anger management Lack of motivation, Lack of confidence, Trauma, Personal development, Wellness, Phobias, Emotional issues, Bereavement, Fears
Loneliness, Empowerment, Creativity blocks, Guilt, Spiritual growth, Jealousy, Shame, Anxiety, Obsession, Fear of change, rejection, judgement and being alone

Why should I consider Theta Healing?

You’re responsible for everything that happens in your life, and only you have the power to change it. If you continue to blame others, you’ll always feel stuck and without control. By taking responsibility, you become empowered to make positive changes in your life and ensure it’s the way you really want it to be.


We are a product of how we choose to think, feel and act.

1 Hr Theta session is $144

Book 1Hr Theta Session

Coaching Packages

#1 Coaching package: $399 (3 sessions)

  • (1) 45 mins consultation : Get clear on what it is you would like to achieve during our sessions
  • (3) 1Hr Theta session
  • (1) 30 mins Follow up

#2 Coaching package: $600 (5 sessions)

  • (1) 1 Hr consultation : Get clear on what it is you would like to achieve during our sessions
  • (5) 1 Hr Theta session

#3 Coaching package: $1111 (10 sessions)

  • (1) 1 Hr consultation : Get clear on what it is you would like to achieve during our sessions
  • (10) 1 Hr Theta session